Before starting the design of external engineering networks of water supply and sewerage of any object, it is necessary to complete the design internal water supply and sewerage in order to get the TU (technical specifications) of the organization that will supply your construction site with water and drain wastewater through household sewerage networks. Obtaining one TS (technical specification) without another is impossible, except if you have your own well, agreed with all the necessary authorities.
Design of external engineering networks of water supply during the construction of a new residential building (house), industrial enterprise, administrative premises, as a rule, is carried out in conjunction with boiler house project, heating system project, water supply and sewerage project, heating network project. In the process of designing external engineering networks of water supply - specialists of TM (heat networks), gas supply, VK (water supply and sewerage) and low-voltage networks coordinate intersections with each other and issue the final version of their sections of projects to construction and installation organizations.
To connect to water supply networks, it is necessary to obtain technical conditions from the organization supplying water. We offer the service “obtaining the technical specifications of water supply and sewerage on a turnkey basis”, the cost for each object is different, for example, to obtain the technical specifications of a private house up to 200 sq.m. - the cost of obtaining TU PJSC "Kyivvodokanal" on a turnkey basis from 11500 ₴(excluding official payments for the issuance of specifications), for other water supply facilities, the price of services is calculated individually. You can get the technical specifications yourself if you have the documents shown below.
After receiving the technical specifications, we can calculate the cost of design work, taking into account the implementation of topographic and geodetic surveys, coordination with all interested organizations - turnkey design of water supply and sewerage (water disposal). The development of a project for connecting to water supply and sewerage networks is carried out on the basis of DBN V.2.5-74:2013. Water supply, external networks and structures, basic design provisions, DSTU-NB V.2.5-40:2009 "Design and installation of water supply and sewerage networks from plastic pipes".
Have questions - call +38(068)154-1212,
+38(067)467-5677 , you can also use the “call me back” service, after filling out the application, a specialist of our company will contact you.